Thursday, July 16, 2009

Garage Sell Chair

I got this chair at a garage sell (it was on a weds...weird! But I saw the sign and couldn't resist!) I bought the chair for $4 sprayed it and recovered it, and there you have it a cute little reading chair. Over at The Nesting Place she hot glues everything so I gave it a try and hot glued the was SO easy and SUPER quick, and I think it looks pretty good!

Before After

I put it in my girls room with a cute little pillow on it... They love to take turns sitting on it while pretending to read a book...
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Fisher Family said...

Wow it looks amazing! You are very talented!

Brooke G said...

really cute! And i love how you said the girls like "pretending" to read. That is so sweet!

Lyssa Beth said...

That is awesome! What a great idea. I go to Garage sales, hoping to find a "diamond in the rough" but I nver have any luck. But I'm not going to stop trying!

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